MORE PRECIOUS THAN JEWELS: Holding out a hand - IMB's (International Mission Board) online Mothers' Day presentation generated long-term engagement with its intended audience, Southern Baptist women, and beyond. Through on-going volunteer efforts, The Light of Hope Learning Center's issues were resolved and plans were proposed for new centers in another country.
CREATIVE TEAM - writer, Sarah Goff; photographer, Joanna B. Pinneo; visual/audio editor, Chris Sinclair; editor, Sheryl Martin Hash; directed by Dan Beatty
SOMETHING FROM NOTHING: The Miracle of Conestoga - Created to promote the IMB's annual Christmas offering for international missions, this online presentation was credited as being the catalyst that helped generate the largest Christmas offering in the organization's history, at a time of major PR challenges for IMB.
CREATIVE TEAM - writer, Margaret Dempsey-Colson; photographer/videographer, Mark Sandlin; visual/audio editor, Chris Sinclair; editor, Sheryl Martin Hash; directed by Dan Beatty
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL: Godfather - This unplanned online presentation became 1 piece of a larger package about IMB's work in Rio. Extraordinary visual storyteller Brad Knull and I pulled the concept for this together in my office while reviewing his work after his return to the States. It is one of the most powerful audio reports produced during my time with the IMB.
CREATIVE TEAM - writer/photographer/videographer/producer, Brad Knull; creative direction, Dan Beatty

IMBconnecting - The 1 page above + the 1 page below are early preliminary concept designs for the IMB's primary, informational website.
CREATIVE TEAM - interactive tech editor, Aaron Krug; website design, Greg Smith; consultant, The Flores Shop; research/creative direction Dan Beatty

COMMISSIONstories - The 1 page above + the 2 pages below are early preliminary concept designs for the IMB's storytelling website, which included online + print content from around the world. COMMISSIONstories was later abandoned as a separate IMB website, its content absorbed into the IMB's primary, informational site.
CREATIVE TEAM - concept development, Global Communications Team; WCMS specialist, Marty Croll; interactive global editor, Sheryl Martin Hash; interactive tech editor, Aaron Krug; website design, Chris Sinclair; consultant, The Flores Shop; research/creative direction Dan Beatty